Monday, September 22, 2008

iMonk's citation of Beth Moore in the discussion of complementarianism has got me thinking about ways to try to convince my wife to at least think through the possibility of Jesus' divinity and the existence of the biblical God. Part of the problem is that for her to even start down that avenue, she would already have had to (a) let go, at least a little, of her lifelong worldview, and (b) in some sense lose an argument with me.

I can't do much about (a). If Van Til and company taught me nothing else, it's that the Christian worldview is just not the same as that of the humanist, and the two can't be reconciled without violence to one or the other.

I can't really do much about (b), either, except to hope and pray that someone or something besides me prods her to open her mind on the subject.

God only knows what I/she need/s here. A Beth Moore book probably isn't it. But something else-- an autobiography of a politically liberal, intelligent, accomplished woman who came to Jesus later in life?-- might attract her attention. Anne Lamott, only moreso. Or an impassioned sermon from a lady preacher who has come from that background of distrusting the religious establishment.

Even if I knew what it was, I guess it wouldn't do much good. If the blurb on the jacket says anything at all about Christianity, the shields will go up.

I keep praying for God to put something like that in her way. Something that does to her what Mere Christianity and then, later, Christian Apologetics did for me. Or that He will bring someone into her life who makes following Jesus look so compellingly beautiful and kind and right that she can't help but want to try it for herself.

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